Cat Litter Box Furniture That Really Does Work!

You have found the solution to all your litter box problems.
Invented by a multi-cat owner who understands what you have been looking for.

• Hides Kitty Litter Mess
• Stops Cat Litter Tracking
• No More Kneeling to Clean
• Keeps Dogs Out of Litter Box
• Wheelchair Accessible


Your Searching Is Over!

• Hides Kitty Litter Mess: This hidden litter box makes clean up a snap! Stop wasting time cleaning up litter mess from around your cats litter pan or having to clean up tracked litter from all around your home, apartment or small studio. The Out of Sight Litter Box is cat litter box furniture designed to work.

• Stops Cat Litter Tracking: Your cat jumps down on exit which opens paws naturally and allows litter to fall out and be trapped in TraxTurf™ that would otherwise be tracked throughout your home. 

• No More Kneeling to Clean: What is the best cat litter box for odor control? The one that contains odor effectively and is easy to clean. This litter box meets both of these criteria. Walk up, open the top lid, scoop and walk away. The kitty litter box is located off the floor so you won’t have to bend over or kneel on the floor to clean.

Keeps Dogs Out of Litter Box: Because cats have more agility and flexibility than dogs, this patented cabinet design keeps the kitty litter box out of reach of most mischievous dogs or inquisitive children. Dog proof your litter box – out of sight, out of mind. 

Wheelchair Accessible: YES! With the litter pan located on a raised shelf inside the Out of Sight Litter Box cabinet, scooping the litter pan is accessible if seated in a wheelchair. Daily cleaning, scooping can be done by raising the Top Lid and reaching in, which makes the cabinet a wheelchair accessible litter box. 

Pricing and Finishes Page

“I love your ingenious cat litter box furniture for numerous reasons… I don’t have to stoop to scoop, it’s nice to look at, the smell is contained and neutralized, and the turf eliminates tracking.”
Nancy P.  Hickory, NC

 “What a great solution to keeping the dogs out of the litter box, minimizing mess and odor, and no longer having to get down on the floor to scoop a conventional litter box!” – Vicki Z.  Wilson, VA

 “We found you on the Internet. We ordered an Out of Sight Litter Box and believe this is one of the best investments we have ever made.”
Tara G.   Ft. Leonard Wood, MO

 “I love the new litter box, it solved all my problems. The dog can not get into the litter anymore. This is the greatest invention; especially for people who have both cats and dogs living in the same house.”
Jeanne S. – A VERY HAPPY CUSTOMER!   Glencoe, IL

 “The Out of Sight Litter Box is a wonderful product. I really like that it does everything it claims it will do. Tracking of the litter was one thing that bothered me a lot and that problem is solved.”
Sarah B.  Raleigh, NC

out of sight litter box included

Stop wasting your time cleaning up litter mess from around your cats litter box or having to clean up tracked litter from all around your home, apartment or small studio. The Out of Sight Litter Box® is a cat litter box cupboard that is designed to stop kitty litter tracking, hides and contains cat litter pan mess and keeps most dogs and kids out of the litter pan! One minute in the morning, one minute at night is the only time you will spend on cat litter once you own the Out of Sight Litter Box®. Designed by a multi-cat owner who understands what you have been searching for! If you are searching for a cat tree, the new Out of Sight Cat Tree (it is a modern design and NOT covered in carpeting) will be available soon and will be listed on this website – but for now, take a look at our cat litter furniture.

litter box furniture

The Out of Sight Litter Box® is a patented, award winning cat litter box cabinet system. Cat litter furniture that really works! Take a look at our customers photographs and read our customer reviews on the Testimonials Page how the Out of Sight Litter Box® has stopped their daily litter cleaning routine. Simply put it is the best cat litter box on the market. Learn about how it works differently than any other cat litter furniture plus it keeps most dogs out. Read the Advantages Page why the manufacturing process using high-grade California approved plastic coat melamine panels with all sealed panel edges makes my cabinet the best in high quality. This cabinet can be located anywhere in a room because the back panel looks as beautiful as the front. Check out the Dimensions Page  to plan where to locate the Out of Sight Litter Box® in your home, apartment or small studio.

Included with each flat packed (KDF – knocked down flat, assembly required) Out of Sight Litter Box® cabinet purchase are two (2) large (23w x 13d x 15h) custom fit High-Sider™ litter boxes (wax coated cardboard) that keep kitty from “missing” over the sides. Don’t be concerned about the wax coated cardboard, each litter box lasts at least 6 months, you can read more about them on the Included Page or Accessories Page. The unique High-Sider™ litter box will keep your new Out of Sight Litter Box® cabinet dry and clean inside. Plus you get TraxTurf™ Pads, a Litter Scoop and an Odor Absorber! Read more about each included item with your cabinet package order on the Included Page.

Pricing and Finishes Page

6 Finishes to Choose From:

Note: Mahogany mixes well with any cherry finish.

* We use the word "stop(s)" to describe the difference (before to after) that the Out of Sight Litter Box will have on your litter tracking issues.
A legal definition might better be "will substantially reduce litter tracking by 98%". You may find a few pieces of rogue litter here or there, but you will notice such a substantial difference
that you too might use the word "Stopped" while telling your friends how the Out of Sight Litter Box changed your litter tracking issues.

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