Price Comparison and Value

Potential customers from time to time email me asking why does my Out of Sight Litter Box cabinet cost so much more then others. My jokingly but serious short answer is that it is NOT because of profit margin, just ask my wife. So, let me here, compare and explain major differences between litter box […]


Best Cat Litter Box?

Every living thing has to, okay let’s just say it, poop or pee. But, leave it to humans to invent a better way “to go”. We all used “to go” outside. But as in all human reality… we think “there has to be a better way”. And so, the human cycle of the “better mouse […]


How To Stop Litter Tracking

Hate tracked litter all over your home? Me too! How to stop litter tracking… I have the answer for that! Hate litter mess? Me too! How to hide kitty litter mess…  I have the answer for that! Can’t stand litter on your bare feet? Me too! Hate it when you find tracked litter on your bed sheets? Me too! […]


Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Fleas On Cats

Get Rid of Fleas are common in both cats and dogs. There are many easy things and natural home remedies you can try to help get rid of and prevent fleas on your cat(s). The most common symptoms that your cat(s) has fleas is scratching or you may also see your cat repeatedly biting, or […]


Why Cats Need Kneading and Deep Diggers

Our cats have many fun and adorable behavioral traits, two are purring and kneading. One behavior is not, that is digging deep into to the litter box and flinging litter all over, more about that later. When our cats start to purr or knead us, it makes us as humans feel as good as it […]


The right (or left) ways to hug your cat. Let me count the ways.

I always miss my cats whenever I am away from home during the day. But, for over the past two months, I’ve been away from home dealing with family health issues, moving my Mom into a skilled nursing center. Everything worked out for the best, but, I really did missed our four cats. I missed […]


Get Rid Of Cat Litter Smell

“Ooh that smell, can’t you smell that smell?” No, I’m not quoting the lyrics to the song preformed by the southern rock band Lynyrd Skynrd  –  for those of you that remember the release back in 1977. No, I’m talking about that dreaded lingering, pungent odor of ammonia, that cat urine smell… that smell all […]


Wet Cat Food or Dry Cat Food

I missed my self imposed Blog deadline last month… and for not a good reason. Our cat Casper, a neutered male, had a urinary track blockage scare. Even with four cats, I can tell you who used the litter box by the location from where they each “go” – I am very aware of urinary […]


Twenty Four Extra Hours

Stop Cleaning Up Tracked Litter Mess. Today is February 29th. One extra day, twenty four extra hours. Known as a leap day or leap year day in the Gregorian calendar, it is a date that occurs in most years that are divisible by 4, such as 2012, 2016, 2020. A leap day is observed because a complete revolution around the Sun takes slightly longer than 365 […]


Dog Proof Litter Box

How To Keep Dogs Out of the Litter Box Why talk about dogs on a cat blog? Well, because 50% of all dog owners, also have a cat. And we have all heard that dogs steal cat poop… I’ll give my opinion on the best dog proof litter box in a minute. It’s estimated that 70-80 […]


* We use the word "stop(s)" to describe the difference (before to after) that the Out of Sight Litter Box will have on your litter tracking issues.
A legal definition might better be "will substantially reduce litter tracking by 98%". You may find a few pieces of rogue litter here or there, but you will notice such a substantial difference
that you too might use the word "Stopped" while telling your friends how the Out of Sight Litter Box changed your litter tracking issues.

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